Thursday, August 25, 2011


but not just any random friend. :D

/// found these post at the side of fb collumn. yeap.. those random days. miss you guys!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

few things

ooooooh yeah.... they say i'm young XD cuz i had a very childish looking hairstyle that makes me look extra round than usual =A=

few things | i shall suffer myself to dead to change

- be more discipline- to wake up early
- play less social network - see more inspirational designs
- images- never ask to snap group photo
- speech- be polite- never to express inner feeling
- food- oooh~ i shall enjoy you slow and steady
- table- keep it neat and tidy 24/7

yeap, i am an angry kid. In order to make others happy, i shall sacrifice mine. XDDD