LOL i notice i only return to this blog whenever there is a big event like this. NEW YEAR.
well, last year had been a rocky year. lots of tough stuffs going on, difficult obstacles. so as i was thinking to boost up my energy for a new change this year, naaaaaaaahhh, so lazy.
but damn, 25 years old its like a quarter of 100 years. come to think of it, i have basically no achievements what so ever, pretty sad. i'm just exaggerating, lol. I did learn things in life, just haven't achieve something solid, something to be proud of.
So, 2015 resolutions
A draft list:-
- take IELTS
- learn Khmer
- build some furnitures ( oh my, i think i really got influence a lot by pinterest, too many things that i wish i can build one day)
- camping ( this has been on my list like.. forever)
- take one step ahead of my career
- double the salary
- freaking slim down but still enjoy eating
- have a family trip to anywhere (miss you all )
- maybe. start a side business (furnitureeeessss, wakakakaka i don't know why am i so crazy, but i really fell in love with woods. lol)
So i guess thats pretty much what i will do this year, good luck to everyone! may your dreams be fulfill anytime in the future. DREAM BUT DONT SLEEP. HWAITING!